10 Good Reasons To Buy a Fixed Annuity

- 100% Safe No stock market fluctuations. Principal and interest guarantees.
- Tax Deferral Interest earned is tax deferred. No 1099’s (if no withdrawals are taken)
- Good Returns Attractive yields (plus tax deferral). First year interest rate
enhancement plus rate option. - Liquidity Surrender-free withdrawal features usually limited to 10% free withdrawal annually in most contracts.*
- Estate Planning Proceeds of a fixed annuity are paid directly to the named beneficiary. Avoid the cost, delay and expense of probate.
- No Sales Fees 100% of your premium earns interest from day one.
- Flexibility Between contribution and payout options, there may be a good fit for many people.
- Diversification Fixed annuities can play an important role in a well-diversified investment portfolio.
- Guarantees 100% Premium guarantee from the issuing insurance company. Minimum interest rate guarantee. Guaranteed lifetime income options.
- One of a Kind Because what other accumulation vehicles can provide the 9 great reasons listed here?
There are a lot of Good Reasons to Buy a Fixed Annuity NOW is the Time to Take Action!
*A federal tax penalty of 10% may be assessed on IRA withdrawals made prior to age 59 1/2. You should consult a tax attorney on your specific situation