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We here at Gary Hunt Insurance specialize in looking at the WHOLE PICTURE for our clients by re-allocating and re-positioning retirement assets for safety, growth, legacy planning, and income planning.
We gather complete information to help our clients make informed decisions in an easy to understand manner to assist with their particular situation.
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6 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Retired
A recent retiree shares lessons learned late about saving money and spending time Everyone nearing retirement has a vision of what their road will be like once they clock out of the 9-to-5. Maybe that prophecy includes regular travel, longer trips to see the...
5 Things You Need to Know Before Retiring at 62
A new study shows more Americans mulling early exit from workforce. Here’s what to look at before you leap The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a surge in early retirements that came to be called the Great Resignation. New research from the Federal Reserve Bank of New...
7 Spring Cleaning Moves for Your Finances
Here’s how to get your financial house in order Forget cleaning out the closet, scrubbing the floors and washing the windows. The start of spring is an even better time to get your finances in order. “One thing on many people’s minds is cleaning. But what if you put...
IRA Blog
New Rules Loosen or Eliminate Documentation Rules for See-Through Trusts
Sarah Brenner, JD Director of Retirement Education The new required minimum distribution (RMD) rules recently issued by the IRS include some good news for trusts named as retirement account beneficiaries. A documentation requirement (that tripped up many trustees...
By Ian Berger, JD IRA Analyst Question: Under IRS rules, if I am currently receiving required minimum distributions (RMDs) and die today, my non-spouse beneficiary has 10 years to pay out my IRA. If that beneficiary dies five years later (in August 2029), does the...
New Rules: Aggregating Year-of-Death RMDs
By Andy Ives, CFP®, AIF® IRA Analyst In my August 19 Slott Report (“Year of Death RMD – Deadline Extended!”), I wrote about the required beginning date, who takes the year-of-death required minimum distribution (RMD), and the deadline for taking that distribution....